Data for Successful Dark One Champ Pack Spawn Rate in Jail lvl 1 for Sorceress Speedruns.
9 months ago
California, USA

I collected data through 100 Jail lvl 1 runs starting from the waypoint. The data was collected to see if Rogue Encampment exit orientation effects Dark One Champion spawns in Jail lvl 1.

The data was collected to see chance of acquiring Teleport in Act 1 on the Sorceress for speedrun time efficiency.

Sample size = 100, Mode = Normal, Online (players 1)

Rogue Encampment Exit Orientation/Dark One champion pack successful spawn Key.

tl = top left, tr = top right, br = bottom right, bl = bottom left. 0 is no pack, 1 is pack.

Instance orientation & success, Total runs.

bl0br0br0br0br0 5

br0br0br0tl1br0 10

bl0br1tl1br1br0 15

br0tr0br0br1br1 20

tr1br0br0tl0br0 25

br1br0tr0tl0br0 30

br0tl0tl0br0bl1 35

tl0bl0br1br0br0 40

br0tl0br0br0tl1 45

tr0tl0br0tl0br0 50

br0br0br1br1bl0 55

br1tr1tl0br1br0 60

br0tr0br0br0br0 65

br0br0br0br0tr0 70

bl0br0br0br0br1 75

br0br0bl1br1tr0 80

bl0br0tl0tl0tl0 85

bl1br1br0br0tl0 90

tl0tl1bl0br0br0 95

tl0br0tr0tl0tl0 100 runs


tl: 21 instances. Total packs: 4 : 5.25% chance

tr: 9 instances. Total packs: 2 : 4.50% chance

bl: 10 instances. Total packs: 3 : 3.33% chance

br: 60 instances. Total packs: 13 : 4.61% chance


There was roughly the same chance of Dark One champion packs per exit orientation. My speculation is with a larger sample size(> 100 runs) there will be a 5% chance, so 1/20 runs will you get Dark One champ packs to get efficient experience to get Teleport in Act 1. Bottom right exit had a 60% chance to spawn. Data wasn't collected about distance from Waypoint to the champ pack.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

Thanks for the info!!

Edited by the author 8 months ago
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