[Category Request] Tutorial (Loss)
3 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

I'd like to create a new category where you try to lose the tutorial as fast as possible. My first attempt is 21 minutes but I'm sure it can be optimized by a lot.

You can't lose the first part, but you can lose part 2 and 3

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I don't think such a category would be really played tbh.

Do you have videos of the runs to see what it's all about? A speedrun should be fun to play, the Lose category has a bit of down time but not enough to make the player bored..

Bavaria, Germany

If you want to lose fast, you can't afford to sit back and wait though, that takes forever (assuming it's even possible since it seems like your bots are a stronger by default).

Idk if there are better strategies, but this seems to work fairly well:

  • Get a couple of kills and cs early in mid and top to afford items (as well as turret platings, but only on mid)
  • Buy Tabi and as much lifesteal as possible
  • Clear enemy krugs to reset their level
  • Do the enemy red buff for extra lifereg
  • Stack enemy waves on the toplane by healing off of krugs and caster minions
  • Release waves as soon as blue waves crash into top turret to increase the bounce back
  • By getting to low hp you force Soraka and shen ults, which slows down the push on bottom lane since it's a 1v2

Essentially, it all comes down to how well you can balance your hp while needing as few items as possible to sustain

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

-My opinion Imo, that is not a fun category to run. On the one hand, it's basicly the current loose category, but harder. More BOT-RNG, because your bots are stronger. If you were afk, you would still win. So not only do you need the enemy bots to do their best, but also your bots to do the worst stuff. On the other hand that's also the upside of it. The loose category is very stale (strategy whise) and simple. Stack wave and wait. Here you might have to actualy feed the bots to get a good time, what could evolve in more insane strats. But again you have the same bots every game and if ppl figured out that wave stacking would be the fastest way to loose, then we have 2 categories that are the same, but one of them has more BOT-RNG and takes longer to complete one run.

-first thoughts My first thought is that ppl might go for botlane wave stacking again, feed the bots there so they can consistently kill your bots, but at the time the bots get to inhib tower you will have to attack the bots on top and mid so they go bot after base.

-Conclusion The category could become a more fun/difficult/thought out version of the current loose one, but it runs at the risk becoming stale (strategy whise) just like loose category rn, and then it would just be a waste. If the run takes longer and ppl have to do multiple different strategy tho, it can be lots of fun. So imo that's what we have to evaluate.

So please follow the request of Maxyne and send a video or replay, so we can have a look into that :)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
MaxyneCash likes this
Bavaria, Germany

Here's the video:

It's nothing fancy and there's a bit of down time but that's mostly due to it being not refined at all. Thoughts for improvement:

  • Skip/shorten the farming part
  • Get more armor early
  • Drag waves into bushes to delay them instead of stacking
  • Use red buff duration better
  • Exploit Soraka/Shen Ults better

Yeah, as we spoke before, it's just the courant category but just harder, I don't see the point of having a new category or sub for this run.

I'll wait for some runners point of view but for me it's a big no

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  • 5 Deaths will be a permanent category.
  • 5 Deaths - Summoner's Rift sub-category will be created.

Obviously all the old runs

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