Updated Blank Splits w/ Autosplitter for NG and NG+
3 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

Below are the Blank splits with autosplitter included. There is an option for New Game, and New Game+ which will skip the 3 masks after the iron insignia key to accommodate for Castle Skip. Thank you.

Last Updated May 26th 2021 06:45 p.m. CST

New Game Blank Splits: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ShhRb_PmFUrHbSiCeGKKmEL5y4R_LeGt/view?usp=sharing

New Game+ Blank Splits: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17jNF9DaOAS79wLTMGE7XJrE2wUZsYiRC/view?usp=sharing

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Florida, USA

Thanks for taking the time to share these with the community. Unfortunately, I've spent every day since release tied up to make the timer and splits, so I'm not incredibly familiar with the routing yet.

This sort of thing helps a ton while I work on the boss splits still (which has been delayed a slight touch due to reasons out of my control)

Oklahoma, USA

Thank you too, Cursed. We really appreciate all your hardwork and effort. You’re an asset to this community!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

There were a couple of errors in the splits I originally uploaded. I have, to my belief, fixed everything. If you notice something splitting wrong, or not splitting, please let me know here and I will update it ASAP.


thanks a lot,a question,if used event split,like lady d boss start,than i restart game before killed her,than return to the black knife in coffin, the split will skip again??will skip to dirty flask? poor english sorry

Oklahoma, USA

If you select restart from the menu, it will still work properly. If you close the game, or go to the main menu, it will not work automatically.

momoyin1984 likes this
Florida, USA

Each split will only fire once for the lifetime of the run, momoyin1984. So if you do something that would trigger a split and restart (just not to the main menu) it will not split again.

Do note, that the timer automatically resets at the main menu itself though. That's a feature I figure most runners will want, when it comes to resets. In addition, I doubt any leaderboard rules will allow main menu loads ;)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
momoyin1984 and Swervelord like this

really thanks @Swervelord @CursedToast,sorry for my poor english,i mean restart from checkpoint,not the main menu,now i understand,it wont split again.by the way,is there no auto split of flask4(body) ?

Florida, USA

Torso split is under the Heisenberg items section.

momoyin1984 likes this

sorry...i find the flask(torso)


@CursedToast @Swervelord some test and questions,the auto split of "escape propeller man(first time)".it works when i Jump into the tunnel to reach the ruins,its cool! but is that i cant be killed by him to cut down da score??because Each split will only fire once for the "lifetime" of the run,when I was killed by him twice ,the split works twice sometimes,once on death menu,once after reach the ruins.even i close that auto split(first escape), after be killed twice by him,the split will also works on death menu, i use ‘’LiveSplit Development Build‘’.


If it's inevitable every time, it's OK,i think i can just close "escape propeller man(first time)",the split that i called it "machine Kingdom" will still works when I was killed by him twice.


Do you have to use these for a run to be able to be submitted? Or can you use your own or manual ones?


forgot what i say,,after the new update for some items,the problems on my pc is disappeared !!😂

thank u very much,the auto split really helps a lot ,its have so many items

Oklahoma, USA

RejectedGamerSam you can use your own! With fewer or more splits included. I just made this for someone who wants something to work right out of the box.

RejectedGamerSam likes this
United Kingdom

Hey guys. I'm having a nightmare getting the splits to start. I've done the above Swevelord, but still not starting upon game.

Could this be down to having an early access copy (BETA) via Steam?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Massachusetts, USA

Not sure if this will help Matt, but maybe try to change the version you are using on steam via Properties and Beta section to adjust the version you are on?. I had issues like this with the new Tomb raider game, had it resolved by changing the version i was running on as it used different values.

MattRPD likes this
United Kingdom

Hey dude. I got it sorted now, and it was the change you mentioned buddy. I've just done a NG+ Castle Skip run, but noticed my splits went in front at an early stage, and ended about 1 or 2 splits before final fight. Need to review NG+ Splits and try to fix.

Thanks buddy

Oklahoma, USA

Hey Matt. Did you do this on stream? I'll watch the VOD and check where the issue was. Happy to fix it.

MattRPD likes this