How to find micro-optimization in movement?
1 year ago
United States

I need help. I feel stuck with my NSMB2 Pb of 28:13. Obviously I can do better, but I don't know where my movement needs to improve as I feel like I have optimized all my levels. If you look at J_duude's former wr and Glitchman24's new wr, you can see that some of their movement is different. Therefore I'm not sure how to improve. Please help.

Gaming_64 likes this
Arizona, USA

Which portions of the run are you struggling with?

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
United States

I struggle particularly with M-GH, learning optimal cycle for 1-T, F-1, learning the highest flying level for 6-1, 6-GH, and the last two levels in world 6 before the bowser fight. I’ll try to get a run uploaded for visual proof.

Gaming_64 and ajl721 like this
Arizona, USA

Yea, a visual would help! For 6-1 you don’t need to fly that high, in fact, I’d stay low so you don’t get hit by RNG meteors. A lot of the levels are just copying WR movement, but it’ll take practice.

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
United States

Hi, I just submitted a run with video. I used apple I cloud to submit bc I filmed it on my phone, so not sure if it will go through, but it is a minute off pb so not great and I made a lot of stupid mistakes. If you could give me tips after watching it I would help a lot.

Gaming_64 and ajl721 like this
Arizona, USA

Yea, when it uploads, I'll give it a watch and let you know what might need improvement.

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
Arizona, USA

Hi, I put some suggestions to improve your time! Feel free to have a look and let me know if you have any questions!

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
United States

Thank you! Last night I was watching world 6 on the wr and realized I missed a lot of optimization in world 6. I usually do make it all the way across in 6-1, and usually would have reset, but I hadn’t made it this far in a video. I realized I could do 6-4 with p speed and 6-5 without it. I have been trying the 1-T movement that is in wr but can never hit the cycle. Also, (might be a dumb question) why do you need to hit 2000 on the flag pole? Is that for every level?

Gaming_64 likes this
Arizona, USA

2000 on the flagpole saves the most frames. Here's a video showcasing each scenario with the flagpole:

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
United States

487 is SO ANNOYING! I can’t ever get it, bc it is such a tight cycle. How do they jump so fast?

Gaming_64 and ajl721 like this
Arizona, USA

I don’t blame you, it’s hard. It just takes a lot of practice. If you’re lucky, you can get 488 with small Mario.

Gaming_64 and F5Gabe like this
United States

Do you know how much time 99999999 coins saves?

Gaming_64 and ajl721 like this
Arizona, USA

If I recall correctly, max coins save 6 seconds in an Any% run. I’d only worry about it though if you’re going for a top time.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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