thread: FIFA 23
ArgentinaMeamv111 months ago

The thing is that you need to do a completly new team by selling literally all the players you have when you start career mode, for ex if you have 3 GK in your squad, you have to sell them and buy another 3 GK. This is the same case for every team and you are allowed to put a player as a free agent. After selling all the team and buying another one, verify that by going to the squad and see that theres no original players from the team, in that way the run can be accepted. Timer starts when the game shows you the career mode screen and it finish when you buy the last player (specifically when you skip the last cutscene).

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ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Honestly i dont know about golf

ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Well i said that i can easily verify that but i cant for a obvious reason so the problem isnt actually long/pain verification or the category rules (posted about that before), the problem is that there's not enough runners but since it is not a category on leadboards, no one can watch it and see how it is because it isnt same as classic even when it has the same rules

ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Guys we made this category for Gta V months ago and it has very good opinion so i dont see the reason of why this shouldnt be a good category for many runners also when runners still wants this category after months and more than a year. Mods, you add my all robberies category because many people ran it and also because the category was the same of vice city, my category its still active today and here it can work the same so please look at this thread again because i know this would be good for sa runners.

goxaviergo, Darkiee and 3 others like this
ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

I'll not make a big deal of this, if the answer is no its okay I want to clearify the rules of from what i think it should be in a cutscene category

  1. A cutscene is a scene that you can Skip so everything you skip it counts as a cutscene, if you skip something in the run like HOUSE CUTSCENE (Michael for ex), AMMU NATION CUTSCENE, DRIVING CUTSCENE (Meltdown for ex) run should be rejected.

  2. Avoiding a cutscene it isnt cutscene skip, if you want to see all cutscenes you need to remember this: Theres 5 cutscene or more (but slower) that you avoid during a full game run

Prologue (Famous Prologue skip that skips train cutscene)

Pulling favours (Shooting before cutscene starts - Any% mission skips strat)

Predator (Not going to Trevor's house and switching to Franklin instead)

Ballad of Rocco (leaving studio before you get Rocco cutscene)

Lamar Down (Cutscene before the shootout that It's avoided because you go instantly to the shootout)

  1. Most famous problems of Cutscene%

Dead man walking problem: Skipping dialogue by waking up faster is NOT A CUTSCENE, theres not a cutscene skip there it just a typical dialogue skip strat

Mr Richards problem: When you accidentally kill Rocco you get the cutscene again, since is the same cutscene you saw before mission failed it shouldnt be a problem to skip it

Meltdown Problem: As i said everything you can skip is a cutscene and the limousine section it is.

om0 problem: Cletus cutscene is the same for every om0 so that can be skippeable, no reason leaving the cutscene

  1. After you read all this, i'll make the rules for this.

(1) You can avoid every cutscene by doing a strat, NOT SKIPPING

(2) If you see the same cutscene twice you can skip it

(3) As category says, its called cutscene% so its not allowed to skip any cutscene you need to see every cutsecene of the game

(4) Cutscene% follows the classic rules, no taxis and no mission skipping except that you can choose any ending because you're completing the game as normal only with the detail that you're avoiding cutscenes of ending A, B or C

  1. This is all i can say, this category might not be the favourite for many persons but i know people that wanted this category back again so i tried to answer to every problem of this category to make it better.
goxaviergo, Darkiee and 3 others like this
ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Only thing i see is that for timesave you need to get gold in first attempt so you dont need to mission replay later, thing is we also need to do a completly new route because its not just 25/50 bridge, 8/15 knife flights or 25/50 stunt jumps, you have to do all of them so that might be the thing why no ones wanted to try this because is so long for real

ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

You should do the run first but to be honest, this category is normally recommended and the only problem is that it takes more time than a 100% run of rdr2 so for me this should be divided in parts. Its interesting but you dont imagine how long it takes, its similar to all missions but you have to add more content

efeaydal likes this
ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

When i stream from twitch GD music gones, what can i do? I'm from mobile

ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

This works the same on series X

L0UIE likes this
ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Maybe i'll run this game but there's no option for this platform and i play on that console. How can i submit a run then?

ArgentinaMeamv11 year ago

Let's see. I'm a console player that has made almost every record on console and my times still far from pc so deal with it, be a good console runner if you like running on console. Console competition still very interesting, there's good runners and runs and we do om0 and dm om0 like pc, that's all

ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

I pick up this conversation after a long time. Speedrun All stores% raid the 19 stores of the game as fast as possible. Here I have a test of what a new category could be, the rules are: Time begins in the lunderdorff text, north yankton, 9 years ago. Time ends after skipping the last cutscene where Franklin finishes robbing the cash register. If you are lucky, you can take taxis if you miss the police. That's all I hope it's to your liking

AlphaTemp and Ajuh like this
ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

This is really good

m1btlyz likes this
ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

Yeah, you're right

ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

I forgot something, this is up to the moderators to decide: allow taxi rides or not. I would like it not to be allowed but it would not make sense because the first two missions are skipped but whatever, maybe then it would be better if the time starts with Michael in Los Santos and just skip Franklin and Lamar. Although it will take a weapon to rob the stores, there is a submachine gun on Grove Street you can grab that weapon and go to the first store that is near there

Barboza14 likes this
ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

Stores% or just stores

Barboza14 likes this
ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

Gta V: I plan to add a category that I think might be interesting and that is to raid all 20 stores in the game as quickly as possible. Rules: You have to start time at the beginning of the game or in the first scene with Michael 10 years later. Which one do you prefer? The first two missions can be skipped: Prologue and Franklin and Lamar. The time ends when the character is seen to finish collecting the money from the last store, more specifically when the player returns to have control of the character. That's my way, it can also be when you lose the police after robbing store number 20. What do you think, another category?

L0UIE, goxaviergo, and Barboza14 like this
ArgentinaMeamv12 years ago

It may sound silly but I have doubts because I do not know if I have to use version 1.00 or 1.38 (current)

complex14 likes this
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2 years ago
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Grand Theft Auto V
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Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
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