Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty9 months ago

Hey, I'm open to adding 100% on the terms you've mentioned if there's a run of it first ;)

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty2 years ago

I am generally opposed to having categories that do not start from the new game on the main boards and the game doesn't have Category Extension boards (and probably will never have).

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty2 years ago

Hi, did you have any issues with running the game on a modern system, preferably in a window? In fullscreen, it launches for me but then crashes once I click anything in the menu, with DxWnd it starts but the window is not properly cropped and it still crashes. Tried different DirectX settings in DxWnd, but to no avail. Thanks in advance.

MildGothDaddy likes this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

I'm gonna share the way I fix the issue with not capturing full screen once per every C drive format, no idea if that how it works for everyone, but it does for me.

This window gives me two sets of 32-bit resolutions. When I look at the list, 1440x1080x32 is listed twice, though they're not next to each other, so it might not be so obvious to spot. One of them is going to work with Game Capture, the other is not. I just need to test them both with OBS and go with the one that works. I haven't managed to get Window Capture to work at all with fullscreen.

thread: The Site
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

Just as many other people, I paid in the past just to get a badge and access to translations, both of which weren't necessary for using the site. If that's not enough for me to not see ads now, then that's understandable, it was a long time ago, but I can do it again. Either that or I can pay a couple bucks a month for some random paid features and no ads. Just give me the option to do so instead of forcing me to see ads. "Just use an adblock lol" is not a proper solution.

diggity, Quivico and 6 others like this
thread: The Site
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

Hi! I would like to request to become a moderator for Kinect Adventures (, as the only moderator of that game has been banned from the site and I know there is at least one pending run waiting. I have run the game in the past. Thanks in advance.

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

Kolejny GSPS już w pierwszy weekend marca!

Wszystkie informacje: Zgłoszenia (do 10.02): Discord Polish Speedrunners:

SzymenL0K0 likes this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

If only there was a pinned topic in the forums giving the reasoning behind the rule right

Konepe and Darkiee like this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty3 years ago

"Timing is done using RTA (Real Time Attack)." That means every run is in real time start to finish, as opposed to segmented speedruns. You can stop playing if you wish but the break time must be added into the final time of the run.

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty4 years ago

The way adding a category works here is you submit a run to "Non-existent category" with the name of the proposed category and its rules in the description. That way the LBs don't get flooded with empty categories nobody wants to do.

Derpeth and DrunkGecko like this
thread: The Site
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty4 years ago

Hi, I would like to become a moderator for Virtua Tennis ( The LB is a big mess (VT 2009 logo instead of the src one, runs on wrong difficulty allowed etc). One of the mods has not been active in a year, the other, xShiko hasn't been online for a month, I have pending runs from September the 5th and 7th. I had tried to contact them on Twitter previously and it took them a couple days to verify my run after responding. This time, even that did not help, I've contacted them on Twitter on October the 17th, didn't get any response, my message hasn't even been displayed by them. Thanks in advance.

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty4 years ago

The marathon is in Polish almost entirely, though for example we don't mind English speakers in the chat and they usually get responses from our attendees and staff in English as well. We don't accept streamed speedruns as of now, so you'd have to be at the marathon in the first place.

Though if someone made such effort to come to Poland just for GSPS, then maybe we could work something out :D

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty4 years ago

ENG: GSPS 2019 is the fifth edition of Gramy Szybko Pomagamy Skutecznie - the polish speedrunning marathon.

During the event, we will be raising funds towards the ITAKA foundation that is the only non-governmental organization in Poland fully concentrated on the matter of missing people. All the donations sent during the event will go onto the foundation's PayPal account.

Dates: 15.08 - 18.08.2019 Schedule: Twitch:

Make sure to visit our website, our social media and the 'Polish Speedrunners' Discord server for more information - all linked on the bar to the left!

PL: GSPS 2019 to piąta edycja Gramy Szybko Pomagamy Skutecznie - polskiego charytatywnego eventu speedrunningowego.

Podczas tej edycji imprezy będziemy zbierać pieniądze na Fundację ITAKA, która jest jedyną organizacją pozarządową w Polsce, która całościowo zajmuje się problemem zaginięcia. Wszystkie wysłane przez naszych wspierających donacje trafią bezpośrednio na konto PayPal Fundacji.

Data: 15.08 - 18.08.2019r. Harmonogram: Twitch:

Zapraszamy także na naszą stronę, nasze strony na portalach społecznościowych oraz na serwer "Polish Speedrunners" na Discordzie - wszystkie linki znajdziecie na panelu po lewej!

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago

That sounds like a good idea for a misc category, if you do a run of it I'll gladly add it :D

ViperUK likes this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago

The timestamps of the video recording are enough for RTA timing, no need to show any additional timer.

Imaproshaman, steamtown and 2 others like this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago


so I did a run of this game, that seems to be a 2:08:32 (). The problem is, I couldn't get the River Rush level that happens between hitting the big "Start" button and the main menu to appear, I'd just go straight to the menu. Tried deleting my saves, making a completely new profile, nothing worked. Is there any sensible way to make it appear and if there's not, could the timing rules be changed?

Thanks in advance

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago

ENG: During GSPS Dzieciom 2019, we will have donation incentives and bidwars going on for the first time in our marathon's history.

To donate to one of the causes, simply put one hashtag of your choice in your donation's description at our SiePomaga site. The list of all available hashtags is there, but it's in Polish, so we are going to put all of them translated into English here.


#Koty vs #Psy - War, war never changes... The fight for the title of the best pet during previous events has been won by dogs (#Psy), will cats (#Koty) take the revenge now? You must decide that for yourself.

#Claire vs #Leon - Decide which character will be used by qvaku to speedrun Campaign A in Resident Evil 2.

#Assassin vs #Druid - Decide which class will be used by KrusKader in Diablo 2.

#RedForza vs #PinkHorizon - Choose the Mitsubishi Lancer's color in Forza Horizon - bloody red or fabulously pink?

Additional games:

#Saper (200 zł) - Wielkimati will do a bonus run of the classic Windows game.

#Chinatown (200 zł) - hoxi will do a bonus run of the most Chinese GTA ever made (aside from Sleeping Dogs) - Chinatown Wars.

#WaveRace (200 zł) - PokerFacowaty will do a bonus run of Wave Race 64.

Donation incentives:

#WitamyWKolonii (150 zł) - We'll watch together the first classic cutscene in Gothic.

#Yume8x (88 zł) - PLANET, instead of playing with a 4x speed, will do it even faster (8x).

#PlecyHero (400 zł) - Dexterw will torture himself playing the guitar behind his back for as long as he will be able to.

#PolskiFajer (300 zł) - Instead of using the "boring" English version of Fire Department 2, Kaadzik will use a "special" Polish translation prepared by the event's organizers.

#Ortalion (250 zł) - Mary, for the duration of his Polder Driver run, will cosplay a true slavic lad.

#SchodyHogwartu (150 zł) - Fragus will check if professor McGonagall can fly when you take the magic stairs from underneath her feet.

#BadFallout (100 zł) - After the Any% run, PLANET will show off an even faster way to finish Fallout 1 using Bad Ending.

#DumbFallout (300 zł) - PLANET will use a character with a very low intelligence level in Fallout, making the run harder.

#Secret CowLevel (250 zł) - KrusKader will present the Secret Cow Level in Diablo 2.

#P5Swimsuits (200 zł) - Wielkimati, for the duration of the Kamoshida dungeon in Persona 5, will dress his characters in swimsuits.

#September (200 zł) - The organizers of the event will sing the Earth, Wind & Fire's hit "September"!

PL: Podczas tej edycji nowością będą hasztagi - cele i bidwary, na które możecie kierować swoje donacje (w tym celu wystarczy wpisać jeden wybrany hasztag w jej opisie) na stronie naszej skarbonki. Znajdziecie tam też wszystkie tagi wraz z polskimi opisami!

Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago

All modifications / tools aside from the ones listed in this thread: are banned.

Derpeth likes this
Małopolskie, PolandPokerFacowaty5 years ago

I haven't run the game since before the illuminati wrote the autosplitter and I think I would have to change a lot of my splits to use it, so I guess I wouldn't bother.

About PokerFacowaty
7 years ago
7 days ago
Games run
Sammy Suricate in Lion Land
Sammy Suricate in Lion Land
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 2 years ago
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Last run 1 year ago
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Last run 5 years ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last run 4 years ago
Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon
Last run 4 years ago
Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Rise of Insanity
Rise of Insanity
Last visit 1 year ago
Last visit 1 year ago
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Last visit 1 year ago
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last visit 2 years ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Forza Horizon
Forza Horizon
Last action 6 months ago
Sammy Suricate in Lion Land
Sammy Suricate in Lion Land
Last action 9 months ago
Last action 1 year ago
Virtua Tennis
Virtua Tennis
Last action 10 months ago
Kinect Adventures!
Kinect Adventures!
Last action 6 months ago
Infectonator 2
Infectonator 2
Last action 10 months ago
Infectonator: World Dominator
Infectonator: World Dominator
Last action 2 years ago